Billing Brook School

Additional Funding

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium? The National Picture. 

Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. It was designed to give additional money to support schools in raising the attainment of children who receive free school meals, children whose parents serve in the Armed Forces and those children in  local authority care. These groups of children have been identified nationally as achieving at a lower level than children from less disadvantaged backgrounds.

Where does the money come from?

Pupil Premium is allocated to schools based on the number of children who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (not universal infant free school meals), whose parents serve in the Armed Forces and children who have been looked after in local authority care continuously for more than six months.

Pupil Premium 2024-2025 strategy

Pupil Premium 2023-2024 evaluation

Pupil Premium 2022-2023 evaluation

Pupil Premium 2021-2022 evaluation

Pupil Premium plan and impact 2020 -2021

Sports Premium Grant

What is Primary School PE and Sports Grant Funding?

The school receives funding from the Department for Education known as the PE and Sports Grant. Physical Development and Physical Education are fundamental parts of our curriculum offer. The role of the funding is to support initiatives beyond our core curricular offer. This grant is specifically for Primary aged pupils.

Sports Grant Impact 2023-2024

Sports Grant Impact 2022-2023

Sports Grant Impact 2021-22

Sports Premium Grant Strategy 2021-2022

Sports Grant Impact 2020 -2021

Sports Grant spend 2020-21