Billing Brook School

Pupil Voice

School Council

At Billing Brook we pride ourselves on empowering our pupils to have a voice where possible to impact on decisions we take as a school.  To improve self-esteem and as part of pupils’ emotional and social development. We encourage pupils to express their opinions and respect all their comments.

There are opportunities for pupils to voice their opinions through our School Council.  One representative and one deputy, voted for by pupils,  are chosen from each class to share ideas and help make decisions.  One of their key areas of the school council is to decide upon activities for charity event days including visitors and activities.  School Council members are keen to tell visitors the things that they have changed to make our school a better place!


Listening to all pupils

We try to ensure that all pupils have their views listened to and often acted upon. What pupils have told us has impacted on many areas of the school life. For example we  have enhanced our lunchtime activities to include activities such as coding and basketball. Our Digital Leaders influence our choice of apps that we purchase for our ipads and laptops.