Qualifications and Accreditations
English & Maths
In line with national requirements as outlined in September 2019, all students follow English and Maths courses which are designed to help them build on their skills and to work towards higher levels of accreditation, than those already achieved.
For those pupils in KS4:
In English, where appropriate, they may achieve the Step Up English accreditation
In Maths, they may achieve the Entry Level certificate
Where appropriate, some students have achieved GCSE in Maths and may be supported by an external tutor.
In addition to this, we run a bespoke English and Maths for Everyday Life programme which supports pupils to develop skills which are meaningful and relevant to their adult life. This is demonstrated in the document linked here.
For those pupils in KS5 English and Maths is embedded in all areas of their learning, as well as providing opportunities for discrete learning, again purposeful to their adult life. Where appropriate, the English and Maths will be accredited through the Princes Trust award, but some pupils may be supported in obtaining other accreditations if appropriate to do so.
Qualifications & Accreditations
Duke of Edinburgh Award
As part of the accreditations we provide in school, we support learners to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is either the Bronze or Silver award depending on their experience and abilities. Click the image below to find out more
Princes Trust
Students work towards achieving a Princes Trust, Personal Development & Employability (PDE) qualification. This suite of qualifications comprise of 6 modules and students can be awarded a Certificate or Award at Entry Level 3. Students, if able, can also work towards a diploma at Level 1 or 2. To find out more about the Achieve programme please click here.
Across our KS4 and KS5 phases we provide opportunity for pupils to develop skills which will enable them to access adult life; whether this is an interest or leisure activity, or a possible employment opportunity.
This is demonstrated through our CHOICE Options.
Click here to find out more about our CHOICE Options
Other Courses and Accreditations
Food Hygiene Certificate
First Aid - St Johns Ambulance