Secondary: Woodland
Woodland department caters for students from 11-18 years of age. Students in Woodland department have a range of needs that co-exist, overlap and inter-lock. Students are a diverse group of young people who have significant cognitive, communication and sensory processing difficulties. Students may also need support with their self-care.
Class sizes are between 6-8 pupils. All classes have a teacher and a number of teaching assistants depending on the needs of the students. Students will remain with their class and teacher throughout the school day.
We understand the difficulties that our students may experience, therefore we work hard to create an environment which accommodates their differences. Students may have an individual workstation, which allows for maximum concentration. They also offer support for students who may find the world a distracting or stressful place. Other facilities include, sensory integration room and sensory rooms, life skills area, secure recreational areas and a bistro area in addition to a fully equipped food technology suite.