Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
At Billing Brook, every child is recognised as a unique individual. We recognise that the development of a child's communication underpins all areas of learning. We ensure we provide a language rich environment with high quality adult interactions.
At Billing Brook School, we aim for our children to:
- Develop a meaningful and effective form of communication.
- Understand messages that are conveyed.
- Communicate for a range of reasons e.g. gaining attention, requesting, protesting and rejecting, giving information, responding etc.
- Develop their vocabulary.
- Increase their confidence and desire to initiate and participate appropriately in social interactions.
- Become competent communicators.
There is one part-time Speech and Language Therapists employed by the school. The therapist is here to work alongside parents, teaching staff and other professionals in a holistic way, to ensure that each child meets their full potential in life.
- We aim to ensure that all those supporting a child, understands their communication profile.
- We work to ensure that all classrooms are communication rich environments.
- Ensuring each child has reasons, means and opportunities throughout the day to communicate by developing a Total Communication Approach.
Billing Brook aims to support the development of pupils' social communication skills, emotional regulation abilities and independence through relevant and meaningful learning.
Approaches embedded with in the school day include intensive interaction, Attention Autism, Curiosity Boxes, TEACCH, Gestalts, and Augmented and Alternative Communication ( AAC) e.g. symbols. Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations are used throughout the school and Colourful Semantics is often used to support our English curriculum. We use a variety of frameworks to enhance the development of those individuals who learn differently and actively promote neurodiversity affirming practices in all areas of learning.
Please contact our therapists to discuss your child's communication skills through the school telephone number, 01604 773910 or via our email below:
Sue Mabbutt: susanmabbutt@bbrook.co.uk