Curriculum Vision and Intent
Billing Brook’s School curriculum is bespoke, meeting the specific needs of pupils at OUR School. It is developmental in nature; reflecting important areas of learning for each cohort of pupils at School. It is designed to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to be successful lifelong learners; there is a balance between academic and personal development.
Please watch the video below to find out a little more about the curriculum, our pathways and our rainbow for assessment.
Our Curriculum drivers and values:
Our curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to develop core skills, extend their subject knowledge and to practice, generalise and apply these skills in real life and practical situations.
We deliver our curriculum in a varied way to ensure pupils remember, make links, make predictions, plan, think creatively, problem solve, show understanding and evaluate their learning.
Pupils re-visit learning and topics engaging in more challenging learning outcomes. This process ensures progression and embeds learning through repetition giving a real in-depth ‘mastery’ of understanding as well as opportunities for allowing generalisation, which is a crucial skill for all of our pupils. Our assessment framework aims to capture the progress that pupils make as well as indicating the depth of their understanding.